Monday, April 18, 2011

Our Weekend Away...

You know sometimes the best holiday is when you do nothing at all. Spending time in the company of those who you hold dear is a blessing! Time out from the normal hustle and bustle is sometimes just what we need!

Start your long weekend by picking up your favourite Aunty then make a bee line to the beach! We always have so much fun when we are over there. Of course there is the stop at the local supermarket so that much needed supplies are purchased! Alcohol has already been purchased and is safely stored in the boot of the car. Hello people...priorities!

Oh did I mention that I decided that I was going to get my third tattoo? I must have forgotten to mention it to my fellow travellers by the look on their faces when we pulled up outside my new favourite tattoo place! Arrangements were made and then we were off to our final destination...The Beach Bach.

Following our usual style we had finishe dour first bottle of bubbles within an hour of our arrival! This of course was consumed in between unpacking the car, switching on the power/water and stocking up the fridge!

Along with great company and wine you also need a great supply of books for a weekend away at the beach. I of course had 3 books to be my sinful pleasure! By the end of the weekend I will have finished 2 books!

Anyway we each took our full glasses of bubbles, books, mags and snacks and established ourselves in our lounge chairs to settle in for the night!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

And the learning begins finally...

Well I finally have new dates for my National Diploma Course. Will be doing a Medical block course in July and then returning to my old class mate for the Trauma Modules. We will be finishing about late October now. Seems like a long way away, however I know how things go and it wont be long until we thinking man I wish we had more time left! Am off to the Balloons Over Waikato tonight. Volunteering with others from the station where I crew. Should be a great night out. Hopefully the wind will stay calm so that the balloons dont get buffed around too much. Had a tonne of fun at Beach Hop this year. Went on duty on Saturday night for 5 hours then hung out at the Police Station waiting for Mrs H's dad to take us home. It was such an eye opener watching all the drunk teenyboppers come and go. Man I would love to have taken video to show them when they sobered up, but to be honest I dont think many of them really care about what they do! I did feel stink for the parents who had to come down and collect their little ones! Lessons learned...lets hope so!