Monday, November 9, 2009

What Makes Us Happy in Life?

You know each day we need to take a breath in our day to stop and think about all the things that make us happy! It doesn't need to be anything huge, just something that makes you smile or laugh or makes a great memory. It is almost like being thankfull for the things that we have and not dwelling on the things that we don't have!

Today I have spent a large part of the day out in the garden. I have discovered that I quite enjoy being out there with my hands in the dirt. Our vege garden is surviving, which is fantastic! We will have to wait a little longer before we able to part-take in its produce, but paitence is a vertue apparently! I have also been weeding my way around my large house garden and I tell you there is nothing better than looking out the window and seeing where and what I have done!

Am cooking our dinner now and waiting for Farmer Brown to come back from the cow shed from milking. Sometimes I moan about not earning enough money or not as much money as I have previously but then I stop and think that if I was to work full time then I wouldn't have the time to spend in the garden that I do now and I wouldn't have the opportunity to be home to cook for my favourite Farmer! So you see that it is important to stop and think about the things that we do have rather than what we don't have!

What makes you happy? Stop and have a think about it!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fun in the Garden

I am beginning to think that I was meant to be a gardener! Well a planter at least as I have to wait and see if my plantings stay alive and grow! Farmer Brown helped my by getting top soil from a diry pile in one of our paddocks in the tractor. Then he helped my plant our seedlings. We concentrated on planting veges that we will eat the most rather than over populating our garden.

We had our first bbq tonight. We have moved our bbq up on to the deck so at any whim we can light it up! Now all we need is more and more sunshine so that we can make the most of it!

We also spent some time today back in the garden trimming our ivy vine. It looks so nice now outside, with the lawns mowen too!

Well it is back to work for both of us tomorrow. I am hoping to hear back from the job that I applied for in our local town. Fingers crossed please!

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend where ever you are and what ever you were doing!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sunny Days and Days Off

Well you know there is something to be said about throwing open the veranda doors and letting the sunshine warm you as you sit on the couch enjoying the veiw of the farm. I wish there were more days like this, as I am completely over the rain! Sun Sun Sun thats what I want! I guess it will soon be the time of the year when we all start to moan about how hot it is! Sometimes its hard to please us humans!

Yesterday I spent some quality time with the fav Aunty in Hamilton. She is such a doll and I really do love spending time with her!

Today I think that I will spend some time out in the garden and help Farmer Brown move the cows as he is working today! At least we have the next two days off together.

Life is good today! Woop Woop!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Days Off!

Don't you just love it when you get to spend time with the one that you love. As life on a farm is non stop it can be really hard to spend quality time with one another. Sometimes we find that we have each such busy days that when we are home at night, I am on my laptop and Farmer Brown is on his PC. The night seems to pass by and then one of us realises that it is 8.30pm or 9.30pm so it must be time for bed. Power down the computers and off to bed we go until another day rises!

We need to cherish the days off that we have together. As I work part time off the farm it can be really hard to co-ordinate our time together, but thankfully we are not into calving time yet, so that means that Farmer Brown can take time off during the week if he gets all his jobs done.

Today was one of those days, and oh how I did enjoy being with my Farmer Brown. We even got to leave the compound! Oh sorry I meant the Farm! We didn't really do anything, but we did get to spend time holding hands, walking around the shops in the mall. Oh the simple things in life are so bloody great! But yet again we are on seperate sides of the room, each of us at our own computers, but hey we are in the same room and we still love each other and that is what matters in the big picture. Thank god for Farmer Brown!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh dear, yet another frosty morning!

Well I must admit that I am finding it hard to get out of bed so early on these frosty frosty mornings! I even hold off from going for the first morning pee as long as I can! Although it is cold, there are pretty scenes to behold out the window...frosted and dew covered spiderwebs, crunchy grass underfoot, steam escaping from the mouths of the cows, oh and look at that, one frozen pet pussy cat who is trying to beat down the door to be let in and be fed! Poor pussy cat!

A lazy day for me today. I have done all the house work so I might just be indulgent and sit in front of the fire with my new book and read for the morning, watching Farmer Brown outside as he goes about his chores! We do have the afternoon off and are heading to the big smoke of H-Town!

Hope you all have a fantastic day! Watch out for chills and spills out there!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sunny Mornings & Misty Fog

You know that time in the morning, just before you wake up and open your eyes, you try to work out what sort of day it is going to be outside...Will the sun by out? Will there be a frost? Will it be too cold for me to even get out of bed! Ok so the last one might be wishful thinking on my part! But today it was so lovely to be greeted with blue skys and twinkling sunlight reflecting off the heavy dew, light frost on the grass in the paddocks below our house.

I went down town to go for my early morning sweat out at the gym and as I came up over the hill at the top of our farm...what a sight to behold...there was wispy misty fog on the lower paddocks and up on the horizon was the twinkling sparkling glint coming off Mt Ruapehu!

It is days like this that I love living out in the country, where you can see for miles and enjoy nature at its best in my humble opinion! I love being outside on days like this, the cool crisp air being inhaled into my lungs, making me realise that each day it is worth getting out of bed, even if it does take awhile because it is cold!

May you all enjoy whatever it is that makes you smile and want to get out of bed each morning!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Very First Blog

My my look at me! I have been able to create my own blog space all on my own! Well that must mean that there are some exciting things to happen in this space. I look forward to sharing with you my adventures..........