Monday, November 9, 2009

What Makes Us Happy in Life?

You know each day we need to take a breath in our day to stop and think about all the things that make us happy! It doesn't need to be anything huge, just something that makes you smile or laugh or makes a great memory. It is almost like being thankfull for the things that we have and not dwelling on the things that we don't have!

Today I have spent a large part of the day out in the garden. I have discovered that I quite enjoy being out there with my hands in the dirt. Our vege garden is surviving, which is fantastic! We will have to wait a little longer before we able to part-take in its produce, but paitence is a vertue apparently! I have also been weeding my way around my large house garden and I tell you there is nothing better than looking out the window and seeing where and what I have done!

Am cooking our dinner now and waiting for Farmer Brown to come back from the cow shed from milking. Sometimes I moan about not earning enough money or not as much money as I have previously but then I stop and think that if I was to work full time then I wouldn't have the time to spend in the garden that I do now and I wouldn't have the opportunity to be home to cook for my favourite Farmer! So you see that it is important to stop and think about the things that we do have rather than what we don't have!

What makes you happy? Stop and have a think about it!