Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Goodbye 2012 and Hello 2013

So I guess you could say that 2012 was a pretty great year for us! Got pregnant unexpectedly and then gave birth to our perfect little girl in October! I think we will be hard pushed to have a better year to be honest! But then again we will be able to enjoy all the "firsts" from our little girl...teething, rolling over, crawling, walking etc.

Holly has started the new year off to a fantastic start by managing somehow to turn herself around 180 degrees in her cot last night! Couldn't believe it when I went into get her this morning when she woke up! I must admit she did look rather pleased with herself! And so it begins I guess. She is not 12 weeks old and next week she is due her second lot of immunisations and has the WOF check with Plunket. Can't wait to see her progress. She is such a little treasure and I can't believe how lucky I am to have her as my daughter.

On the work front, I have started back doing part Ambulance shifts, which is just fantastic. Man I didn't realise how much I had missed it until I did my first shift back. I was even nervous, if you could believe that. I work with such great permanent crews. They are more than happy for you to do part shifts and to be the "beautiful assisstant" for as long as you want! Not that I want to be in that role for too long!

I have also started back relief milking with Farmer Brown. Am only working in the afternoons as I don't think I really need to get up any earlier than I need too. I think I have enough early morning responsibilities with Miss Holly! Anyway...Holly goes up to stay with Nanny while I am down in the shed. Nanny loves having her come and to stay for the couple of hours that I am away. Even Granddad likes having her up there too. He was telling me the other night how much he had enjoyed having a cuddle with Miss Holly on her visit up there.

So we look forward to the coming year and the challenges and excitement that it will bring. I look forward to continuing my own grow in my return to full duties with Ambulance. More importantly I look forward to seeing my little girl continue to change and grow up into a beautiful little girl. I also look forward to spending quality time with my fabulous husband Farmer Brown. He does so much in looking after and providing for Miss Holly and myself.

Take care out there everyone and bring on the New Year!

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