Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A bit of excitment to start the day off...

So had a bit of excitement today on the way to Hamilton...

Came across an accident involving a small bus carrying 11 people! First thought...OH SHIT! Second thought...you can do this! It was up the road from us by the Tiharoa Hall on those nasty corners where accidents happen all the time. Cars coming towards me down the hill were waving at us to slow down. I was thinking, oh dear what is waiting around the corner for me...oh just purple coloured bus with its front smashed in blocking the south down hill lane! There were two other cars that had been travelling behind the bus on scene too. I slowed (no cars behind me but really dangerous place to stop) and asked if everyone was ok and was told there were no injuries. I asked if anyone had called the police or an ambulance. Was told they had no cell phone reception so I said I would go up the hill and call for help and that I would be straight back. After my call to 111 I returned to the scene much to the relief of the other present.

Parked as far off the road as I could as I had Holly in the back, asleep thank goodness, but I knew she would be safe in the car. Traffic coming down the hill was causing me concern as they we coming upon the scene fast and as there was diesel on the road I was worried a secondary accident would occur. I got one of the other people who stopped to go up to the corner and wave the traffice down until the Police arrived. Worked a charm thank goodness! Asked the other car if they could tell me what had happened. It was raining and the bus had come down the hill round the corner and the back end lost traction skidding and slamming into the bank on the wrong side of the road, then travelling back to the correct side of the road but blocking the lane completely! The windscreen had come out completely and there was debris all over the road from the dashboard of the bus.

The bus was a private tour company carrying 3 Korean families on their way to Waitomo. Thankfully there were at least two on board who spoke english. Did a quick triage of 11 patients and was really pleased to find that none were seriously hurt. One had possible fractured forearm and sprained ankle. Another had a large laceration to her shin bone and a small boy had hit his head and complained of shoulder pain. Everyone else had bumps and bruises but nothing major. Thankfully everyone had been wearing their seat belts otherwise I would hate to think what I would have found otherwise. Can't believe the driver wasn't hurt as the front of the bus where he was sitting took most of the impact and he walked away with no injuries! He was really shaken though.

Meantime in my head I am thinking, where the hell are the Police and Ambulances! I tell you what it does seem like a lifetime waiting for them to arrive. I was only on scene for just over half an hour but it seemed like forever until they all arrived. Police turned up first, 2 cars. Then two ambulances followed by an Responce jeep and then the Fire Truck! Hehe I thought to myself look at me getting all these emergency service people to come to my patients aid! Didn't care if it was a bit of over kill, I was just happy to see other people!

I did my hand over and then got back in the car and drove on to Hamilton like nothing had happened! First time I have come across an accident since starting ambulance. Am really glad that there were no serious injuries and that I could deal with all those people on my own. I keep going back to the car to check on Holly, but she just kept on sleeping like the amazing baby she is! Funny how instincts just kick in when faced with something like that. I think the best thing I did was remember to slow down and breath because man the adrenaline was pumping through me thats for sure!

I knew one of the ambo crews and found out later that 4 were transported to Waikato and another friend who is a nurse at a Medical Centre in Te Awamutu said the other 7 ended up there for the afternoon! Think I might have had the easy part in the end!

Anyway I felt very pleased with my efforts. Felt really great to have my training kick in when I needed it. Was different than being on duty as I am always with someone else who has more senior qualification than me and they normally take the lead. This time it was all up to me and I did good!

Well that was all. Just wanted to share my exciting morning with you!

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