Monday, December 17, 2012

Its The Small Things...

You know every day I am amazed at our little girl. Even though she is now 10 weeks old, I really can't imagine my life without her. Every day she gives me yet more reasons to love her more and more!

She has started "talking" to us now. She is really funny as she works out all the different noises that she can make. These of course are not limited to gurggles and gag gags. She has also discovered that she can increase the pitch of her cry now. So now if she feels that I am not paying her enough attention or if she is have a "fake" cry and she feels then need to really make me run into the room, she amps up the pitch of her cry! She is such a tart, but so funny to listen to as she makes all these discoverys.

She is smiling at us heaps now, which is a real treat. It is nice to know that she has more reasons to smile at us other than needed to burp, fart or poo! There is nothing better than when you have had a crap day and you pick up your little one and she cracks the biggest smile in the world! It really makes you put things in perspective and most certainly improves your day leaps and bounds!

I went to visit a girl friend today, who has a 18 month old. She has started talking. Man she was so funny, to hear her trying to work out how to form the words to get across what she is trying to tell us! Funny how everything with fur and four legs is called "Meow meow!" She is also into everything in their house. Her mum is not precious enough to have removed everything from grasping distance. I like this idea, I feel that they need to learn to live in our environment too, but within reason I would remove things that she could break or could swallow. Anyway, Christie was telling me how Ruby knows where the photo draw is and how she loves helping herself to loose photos as well as albums. She also enjoys pulling out the soft drawers in her room and emptying out the contents on the floor. These of course remain on the floor until the end of the day when it is time for bed! We had a great visit with them and I enjoyed learning of all the things that I have yet to look forward to with our little one!

I guess you never get this time again so I should make the most of it. I am lucky that I work here on the farm and do my volunteer ambulance work and that I don't have to go back to work and put her in day care, as I would miss out on so much and that would really be stink. It must be really hard for those that aren't as lucky as we are.

Each day is special with her, especially when we hear of such horrible events like the shooting in the USA over the weekend. Make the most of every moment that we have with our little ones.

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