Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Induction Date...

Well we have a date to be induced now...Monday 8th of October, being admitted to hospital at 10am. Of course we don't really know when Mini will make his/her actual appearance and all going well he/she won't come early!

We are really happy to be induced next week as that means that we have been able to keep Mini on the inside until 39 weeks, which is of course better for bubs. This date depended on what happened at the scan and Obs team appointments that we had on Tuesday. The scan showed that Minis weight had increased by 2 pounds in 2 weeks. This in turn could mean that due to the fat distribution in a baby of a diabetic mother, the shoulders could get stuck. Worse case scenario for this is that, if it looks like baby will get stuck during labor, then we will have to have a cesarean. This is fine with us, as we will still be able to got with a natural birth to start with and hopefully to finish with too. I know that the health of our baby is most important so if the worse case does happened or baby is showing signs of distress, then that is sweet with both of us for the hospital team to do what they need to do. After all they are the professionals!

Funny feeling having a date to go to hospital. Still seems like such a long way away, but its only 5 days! We know that the induction process can take 24/48 hours before any action starts and we get moved to the delivery suite, but it is still really exciting. It has been fun trying to decide what to take to hospital with us. Do I take my hair straighteners or not! I mean after all people will be taking photos of me oh and the baby of course and would only be fair and proper that I look my normal amazing self!

I guess the most important thing to take when we go to hospital would be ME! And on the return trip the most important thing to bring home and not forget, would be the BABY! That's the basics covered so I think we are sorted!

The Grandparents have gone in to Hamilton today to do whatever it is that they do together. We have enjoyed having our house back to ourselves, even if it was only for a few hours. I must admit I have spent most of the day walking around in my undies and not wearing a bra, just because I could! Haha, its that small things that make you smile and happy!

Hope to post again before we pop, but if not we will see you when we are a family of three!

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