Sunday, January 12, 2014

Being Mentally Strong...

Okay so first of all I have to admit that I have taken these ideas from a website called Elite Daily. I stumbled upon then on Facebook but I found them so powerful that I had to share.

The article is entitled: 20 Things That Mentally Strong People Don't Do. It is the musing of a writer named Paul Hudson. I will leave the full article for you to read in your own time. However I will list the 20 things that mentally strong people don't do:

1. Dwelling On The Past
2. Remaining In Their Comfort Zone
3. Not Listening To The Opinions Of Others
4. Avoiding Change
5. Keeping A Closed Mind
6. Letting Others Make Decisions For them
7. Getting Jealous Over The Successes Of others
8. Thinkg About The High Possibility Of Failure
9. Feeling Sorry for Themselves
10. Focusing On Their Weaknesses
11. Trying To Please People
12. Blaming Themselves For Thigns Outside Their Control
13. Being Impatient
14. Being Misunderstood
15. Feeling Like You're Owned
16. Repeating Mistakes
17. Giving Into Their Fears
18. Acting Without Calulating
19. Refusing Help From Others
20. Throwing In The Towel

Sometimes we seem preoccupied with over complicating our lives. We need to remember its the small things in life that make us happy. We become over concerned with being the person that others want us to be, that we forget that we are all individuals and our own person. You don't have to please others, it's acutally okay to do what you want.

Sometimes we think that it is just too hard to change, but think of all the possibilities that you may be missing out on. We as humans generally don't like change, but thankfully there are those among us who are not afraid and as result we have a better world to live in. Be the one who makes the change instead of being the one who just sits back wanting things to be different but not being prepared to do anything about it.

I would be the first to admit that staying in the rutt of life is a safe place for me. I am guilty of being that person that says things like: oh I wish I had done that, I have always wanted to do that, why can't I do that. Now I am going to try to be the person who says things like this: I am going to do that because I have always wanted to, what can I do to take the steps I need to reach that goal.

These are a few of the wise words that I like from the article. I am going to apply some of them in my day to day life. I don't want to be in the rutt anymore people!

"Staying in your comfort zone is giving up on life"
"Trying to avoid change is pointless; it's a mere waste of time and energy"
"If you stop learning, you stop living"
"If you don't have the courage to fail, then you don't have the courage to succeed"
"You can't please everyone, but you can always manage to do your very best"
"Most people fail because they are impatient and give up before their time has come"
"In life, there are no handouts"
"If others are offering to help, let them help"

And my favourite:
"Only do things if they are important to you; forget the things that aren't important to you. If they're important to you, then pursue them until you succeed. NO EXCEPTIONS, EVER!

Small steps are needed but you can do it. Become a legend, a game changer, a person who is mentally strong.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Circle of Life

Came off duty last night (Monday) on a bit of a high. Was even still buzzing about it this morning when I woke up. Only 3 jobs for my night but they were an overdose, an MVA involving a car vs truck and trailer unit and then to end the night a birth!

The MVA turned out to not be as serious as it could have potentially been. The driver of the car was drunk! This is what I think could very well have saved his life! He had pulled out of a rural intersection ignoring the Give Way sign. The truck and trailer unit were doing 100km per hour! The truck driver took evasive action but still hit the car on the passenger side pushing the vehicle to the side of the road facing the wrong way. The driver of the car only sustained a blood nose from the air bag hitting him in the face! Like I said very lucky. Then driver of the truck was unjured but badly shaken as to be expected! I really do not like treating druck drivers as they are generally full of attitude, as was this driver. They don't seem to have any comprehension of the danger they pose not only to themselves but other drivers etc on our roads. This guy was trying hard to blame the truck driver even though it was clearly driver of the cars fault. Grrr. We transported the guy to Hospital for observation etc. Enroute to Hospital he became quite lippy with me. He even tried it on at the Hospital so we had to get Security involved! Like I said before, these types of patient really annoy the crap out of me. They take up valuable resources that could be needed else where!

After finishing that job we were responded straight away to a birth in progress! This is the sort of job that you can get really excited about but has the potential to go belly up pretty quick if there are complications.

Thankfully on our arrival, which was only a couple of minutes, the baby had been born and was fit, healthy, great pink colour and very very responsive. All things you want to hear and see when you attend such a job! This was the second child for the parents. Baby was a week early which is why his arrival was such a surprise to everyone! Mum had been having contractions for a while, however the delivery was very quick. Her waters broke and she yelled out to her husband. When he walked into their room she was standing up holding the head of the baby between her legs! Baby was delivered safely and when we got there mother and baby were sitting in the hallway. Glad the mess was all in their house and not the back of our ambulance haha! I got to help deliver the placenta. Then we set about prepping to cut the cord. Making sure all the important things were out of the way of the scalpal! Didn't want to circumsise the new born son haha! Dad did the honors with a big cheesy grin on his face.

We loaded mother and baby into our ambulance and transported them to their birthing centre where their midwife was. The midwife was already attending two births in progress at the centre, hence why she wasn't at the house!

Came away from that job feeling such a buzz! It was a real priviledge to be part of something so special.

To start the night off with someone who wanted to end their life by overdose, to an idiot drunk driver with no regard for anyone elses life, to new life beginning! The circle of life as I said!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Please Let 2014 Be Better Than 2013

Hello 2014!

Nice to see you, but I have to admit that for a moment there I thought we were going to get off on the wrong foot!

Saw the New Year on Ambulance Duty! Was a fun night as the my crew member is a real hoot and there was no way that we weren't going to have some fun, even if it might be at our patients expense haha!

We were out the door pretty much straight away for a medical call and then we really didn't do too much until closer to midnight. In fact our midnight patient was oh wait what did you expect...thats right a drunk person haha! Thankfully they were partying hard at their Mum and Dads house so we didn't have to clog up the hospital. The patient was fine to be left at home and in the care of the sober concern parents!

Then we ended up at the local prison, which is always a fun visit! Some of those prisoners sure know the right words to say to get a trip to hospital. Unfortunately we have our hands tied a bit here as we have to treat not only what we see but what they are telling us. If they know the right words to use such as "chest pain" etc then we have a duty of care to take them to hospital! By the time we waited for all the appropriate paperwork for the prisoner to be allowed to come to hospital with the appropriate guards to their company etc it turned into a very very long job. Don't get me wrong, some of the prisoners are actually sick and need our help, but sadly this was not the case with this gentleman!

Got back to station about 3.30am and managed to even shut our eyes for about an hour and a half after winding down. The tones go off at 5.45am and we are out the door again! This time we were off to Raglan for a patient who had collapsed and had been seen to have seizure. The Raglan crew already had the patient on board so we met them enroute, transferred the patient our truck and then carried on back towards hospital. Made it almost all the way to Raglan though. Good P1 driving my fine crew memeber haha!

Finally got back to our station just after 7.30am. Restock the truck and then it was time to log off and head home for a well deserved sleep!

I really enjoyed having the chance to do the first complete 13 hour shift, I normally only do 8 hours, in over 2 years! Oh the joys of having been pregnant and then having a baby to look after! Miss Holly spent the night up at her Nannys.

This was the first big sleep over for Miss Holly at Nannys. Secretly I was praying that she would be a good girl, go to bed without any fuss, sleep all night, wake up at her normal time around 6.30-7.00am, eat her breakfast and basically be a good girl! My wish it seemed was granted. She was just a little star! Farmer Brown had gone up to the Big House for dinner and stayed there until Miss Holly was settled in to bed for the night. Nanny tells me that she only heard her once during the night, but left her as I had instructed and she went back to sleep until 6.30am like the good girl that she is! She not only ate her breakfast, she even drank almost a whole bottle too!

I am hoping that this now opens the way for her to go up there at other times! It would be so great to have some time to ourselves once and a while. Maybe to enjoy dinner out or even a movie etc. Am so proud of Missy for being such a good wee girl!

Miss Holly is now walking like she has done it all of her little wee life. She races around the house without a care in the world. She is so funny. When she knows she is doing something that we don't like her to do, she tries to run away from us, giggling her head off like it is the biggest joke out!

The other day I could hear splashing water coming from somewhere and what do you know Miss Holly was no where to be seen....until I looked in the toilet! There she is with the toilet brush in her hand splashing it in and out of the toilet! Water going everywhere, so much so that she was having trouble getting traction on the slippery floor! She thought it was hilarious. I must admit that I did too but I was really trying hard not to laugh out loud! Don't want to encourage her too much. Instead I steered her out of the toilet and told her that next time I would show her how to use the vacuum cleaner and the washing machine since she was so keen haha!

Tomorrow she is off to get her 15 month old immunisations. Am taking Farmer Brown with me as he will need to help me hold her for this round as she is to get 3 injections this time. One in each thigh and one in the arm. Poor wee bugger! Needs to be done though and she doesn't have the next ones until she is 4 years old. At least its a big break between this and the next lot!

She is back at Day Care this week after a two week break for the Christmas Holidays. I have enjoyed having her at home with me, but I would be lying if I said that I was happy that she was going back on Tuesday haha!

So 2014, so far so good and long may it continue. Lets put all the turmoil of last year behind us and look onwards and upwards for the next exciting chapter in our busy busy lives!