So our little Miss Holly is having her first real bought of sickness. She had a high temperature on Monday that I was managing to control with Pamol. By the afternoon it was back up again. With that and the fact that she was not her normal happy self I decided to take her to the Doctor.
Unfortunately sometimes knowing or having a little bit of medical knowledge can be a real pain in the bum. I have never wanted to be one of those nurotic mothers that I read about or have had to deal with when on ambulance duty. I had been keeping an eye on her resp rate, temperature and heart rate throughout the day. I wasn't overly concerned but she was just not her happy little self. Very clingy and didn't want to be put down or leave my side most of the day. She had even fallen asleep on me a couple of times during the day which is very unusual for her to do these days.
I decided that I had better take her to the Doctor just incase there was something that I was missing. She didn't have a rash or red ears. She had a slight dry cough and her lungs sounded clear on ascultation. Didn't really want to risk anything dramatic happening during the night so off we went to the Doctors.
I must say that I was a little disappointed with the examination that Doctor gave Holly. Now I am but a humble Emergency Medical Technician and certainly no Doctor, but don't you actually have to look at your patient inorder to assess them? The Doctor listened to her chest and took her temperature all be in incorrectly. She didn't even look over Holly's body at all. She did ask me is she had any rashes, to which I answered "no" but I still think she could/should have looked.
Anyway we were sent home with the comment of "she will be fine, give her Pamol for the temperature and keep up her fluids".
I stayed home from Ambulance Duty Monday and Tuesday nights to look after Little Miss. Her temperature was back to normal the next day and she was back to her usual happy self.
Yesterday (Wednesday) when I got her up and changed her in the morning I noticed that she had some very small spots on her face and torso. They were just like little red dots. No puss or ooze coming from them. Hmm I thought to myself...wonder what this could be. She still had no temp and everything else seemed to be "normal" for her. Decided that I would just keep an eye on her for the day and see what she was like the following day.
She woke this morning with the same number of spots and no change to the spots. Again no temp or change that concerned me. However I know that spots are not good so off to the Doctors we went again.
I think the Doctor was quite surprised to see us again after only a couple of days. This time, funny enough, we got the works in the examination department! Clothes off, thorough look over of her little body. Ears checked, temperature taken, lungs listened to etc. Much better I thought to myself.
Doctor seems to think that it is a mild case of Chicken Pox. She hasn't been around anyone who has been sick. She isn't in daycare so it couldn't have come from there. She was with her little mate on the weekend and he does go to maybe it was him? Who knows. Nothing can be done anyway as it is a virus and will run its course.
As am Ambulance EMT it is hard not to over react with little kids. They can compensate for such a long time and then they can crash hard and fast. This is fresh in my mind after a case a few weeks ago when we went to a cardiac arrest of a 4 month old who died. Really drove home to me how quickly these little buggers can deteriorate quickly. Thats why I decided that I would take her to the Doctors now. I would rather go and it be nothing, rather than reacting too late and it becoming very serious. Afterall it is free so why not take advantage of that if not anything else!