Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Grandparents have arrived

Well the pending Grandparents arrived on Wednesday night from the South Island. They are staying with us until after the birth of Mini M.

We have our induction date now, which is: Monday 8th October!

We are both getting really excited and can't wait for our little one to arrive. Seems funny to have a date set for Mini's arrival, but as we know, even if you are being induced it can still take a couple of days, so the is excitment building.

Am finding that I am getting more and more uncomfortable as we reach the end of the pregnancy. There is not much room in the for the little one to move around now, but Mini is making sure that I know that he/she is in there!

We have our last growth scan on Tuesday, so as usual it will be great to "see" Mini again.

My Mum and I are going shopping for Mini this coming week, which will be lots of fun. I get to choose and she gets to pay - that system seems fine to me!

So it is going to be a week of "lasts" for us this coming week as we count down to the big day! Am going to make the most of spending this last week with Farmer Brown. We both know that our life is going to change so much once the little one arrives, however we don't really have any idea of how much it is going to change until Mini gets here!

In the mean time, will try and keep the posts going through the week, if I have time. Then we will post again after the little one pops out into this big wide world.

Take care out there...

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Countdown Begins...

So my little brother tells me this morning via email that I have been neglecting my page! So here I am. Let it not be said that I don't listen when people tell me to do something! haha!

So the countdown is on...the pending Grandparents (my mum and step father) arrive here from the South Island on Wednesday evening.

We have another day of appointments in the city tomorrow. We are on weekly visits now until the birth of our little one. Things have been moving along really well and it looks like Mini M may be able to stay on the inside until 39 weeks! It is going to be a week by week decision that the Doctors at the Hospital will determine. We have a scan tomorrow which is to check the growth of Mini M since last week. Mini's growth had dipped slightly which isn't a problem in itself, but something that needs to be kept an eye on, hence the weekly scans.

This past weekend was the last weekend we will have off on our own. The next time Farmer Brown has time off will be when we have baby! We managed to do somethings that we both enjoy. Was also great to take the opportunity to have some close family over for lunch at the farm on Sunday.

Can't believe that we are getting so close to the birth now. You know it seems to have been so long ago that I found out I was pregnant and now it is all racing up upon us at breakneck speed! We are hoping that we will be given a date for being induced tomorrow at our appointments at the Hospital. Fingers crossed!

Mini M doesn't have as much room to move on the inside now but still manages to find my bladder in the middle of the night. The movements are now more like squirming around. It is really funny to watch my tummy move about like there is an alien on the inside. Guess there is to a point huh! I talk to my tummy all the time, mostly laughing at it and telling Mini that it had better behave when it makes its grand entrance into this world!

We have so much to look forward to in the coming weeks. Might not get here every day or week but I will promise not to be so long between posts next time!