Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sunny Mornings & Misty Fog

You know that time in the morning, just before you wake up and open your eyes, you try to work out what sort of day it is going to be outside...Will the sun by out? Will there be a frost? Will it be too cold for me to even get out of bed! Ok so the last one might be wishful thinking on my part! But today it was so lovely to be greeted with blue skys and twinkling sunlight reflecting off the heavy dew, light frost on the grass in the paddocks below our house.

I went down town to go for my early morning sweat out at the gym and as I came up over the hill at the top of our farm...what a sight to behold...there was wispy misty fog on the lower paddocks and up on the horizon was the twinkling sparkling glint coming off Mt Ruapehu!

It is days like this that I love living out in the country, where you can see for miles and enjoy nature at its best in my humble opinion! I love being outside on days like this, the cool crisp air being inhaled into my lungs, making me realise that each day it is worth getting out of bed, even if it does take awhile because it is cold!

May you all enjoy whatever it is that makes you smile and want to get out of bed each morning!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Very First Blog

My my look at me! I have been able to create my own blog space all on my own! Well that must mean that there are some exciting things to happen in this space. I look forward to sharing with you my adventures..........